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With a career spanning over twenty years, Barbara has dabbled in almost every medium and experimented with many styles. Whether she is creating joyous illustrations or icon driven abstracts, she is driven by a love of good design and composition.
Based in Nelson, her stylized landscapes have a prevalent linear quality. The driving theme is palette and rhythm.
Barbara likes pushing the subtleties of colour so that there is both variation and harmony with a hint of surprise. While these worlds are contrived, they can give one a sense of home or of places dear to the heart.
With a career spanning over twenty years, Barbara has dabbled in almost every medium and experimented with many styles. Whether she is creating joyous illustrations or icon driven abstracts, she is driven by a love of good design and composition.
Based in Nelson, her stylized landscapes have a prevalent linear quality. The driving theme is palette and rhythm.
Barbara likes pushing the subtleties of colour so that there is both variation and harmony with a hint of surprise. While these worlds are contrived, they can give one a sense of home or of places dear to the heart.